I've been out of town the last couple days and I've been thinking of Kenny a lot. Actually, I've been thinking of all my sons a lot. It always happens for me when I'm away from home. So many things remind me of them--I say things like Kenny would have like that one, and Vincent would like that one, and Jheremy would like that one. Went to a bakery where there were round cookies with yellow icing and a happy face made with black icing- that's the one Kenny would like, and went to a restaurant that had an aquarium with tropical fish. I remember many, many years ago there was a Chinese food restaurant close to the house that had a similar aquarium and Kenny would be transfixed with the fish- he would stare and stare. And I remember an embarrassing story about Kenny that happened at that restaurant. He was young, very young but old enough to walk around. We were waiting for our food at this restaurant and Kenny started to wander around after staring at the fish for a long time;he went to a table where people were eating and took a shrimp right off their plate, then ran around with it in his fat little hand! His father was highly embarrassed but luckily the people didn't get upset with him-after initially being taken by surprise, I think they laughed. Kenny was very,very cute at the time with his adorable smile and curly, curly hair so I think that was in his favor. It is one of those memories that come into my mind out of the blue and makes me laughs while shaking my head. One of those stories that I wouldn't dare tell if he were still here because I would want to avoid embarrassing him, although knowing Kenny I'm not sure he would be embarrassed- he might just run around being crazy or something,,and then I would REALLY LAUGH!!
Element of the day (day 24)
#11) Na-Sodium-] metal
Critical for life processes for animals and plants.
Discovered in 1807 by Sir Humphry Davy, England.
It is a soft, silvery-white, highly reactive metal and is a member of the alkali metals. The free metal does not occur in nature. Sodium is the 6th most abundant element in the Earth's crust and exists in numerous minerals such as feldspars, sodalite and rock salt.
Many sodium compounds are useful, such as sodium hydroxide (lye) for soapmaking and sodium chloride for use as a deicing agent and a nutrient (edible salt).
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