Saturday, June 29, 2013

131* losses and pennies

In Loving Memory~ 
          Nick Montaño  Sept/1969- June/2013
Nick and Annette- me n my bro

The last month has been filled with loss. My brother died last week and yesterday was his funeral. His death was completely unexpected and still seems unreal. I truly expected to see him alive yesterday at the funeral home.

Another whirlwind of emotions has been hitting me, however somehow it doesn't feel at all the same as losing Kenny, or the possible impending loss of my dog Ravenne. It's a very different, strange feeling. There have been waves of sorrow and grief, but I feel my brother Nick left peacefully and just the way he wanted to go. He died in his sleep.
other than that I have been losing things nearly everytime I turn around it seems.

I lost my grandmother's ring a while back and have not been able to find it no matter how I search.

I lost my peace ring while doing a yard sale at my mom's house. I looked everywhere for a week, even in the boxes and garage where I found it two weeks later. It was in a box of items for a yard sale. When I was unpacking the box my ring was in it, only it didn't look the same. It was smashed as if it had been run over. So I put it in my car and then somewhere in my house and have lost it again.

The week before that I lost the button Ben gave me that looks a little like a yin-yang and that made me very sad!  
I liked it so much I took a picture of it long ago.
In other news =there was a series of day when I was finding lots of pennies. One day I found seven pennies in the same day. After finding a few, I thought it was so amazing I took pictures of them.

 The first picture is the fifth penny I found that day in the bathroom at Target. The first four I found all in a row in the parking lot at Target. I tried taking a picture but it didn't turn out. 
Later that day I found two at the gas station when I was getting gas. I found one when I went to pay and one when I was walking back to pump the gas.
That was on June 13, 2013. I guess Kenny was missing me that day and sending lots of hellos.

Until next time...cherish your loved ones <3