Monday, November 5, 2012

96* fire

There are two buckets full of army men in Kenny's closet. What am I to do with those thousands of army men? Army men were one of Kenny's favorite toys when he was a young man. He and his brothers built forts and trenches in the backyard out of mud. Sometimes they used bunches of my toothpicks. There was a period of time when Vincent and Kenny blew up army men in the backyard and I remember Kenny tried melting them once. Probably more than once, but I don't remember more than that. 
Speaking of...
~^~ FIRE ~^~
Kenny had a thing for playing with fire. He would light many candles at once just to watch the flames ignite together.

He also liked lighting matches just for the fun of it--many at a time.

And he would randomly set stacks of papers ablaze in the fireplace or outside sink simply to watch them burn.

Luckily, he didn't do a lot of fire play in the backyard or porch because the entire house would have probably caught of fire. 

I think the reason he liked to light candles in his room to watch the flames.

Sometimes when I talk to him in the living room the candle flame from his memory candle gets stronger, brighter, and higher or waves about--its kind of eerie and fabulous at the same time. Actually, its mostly a little bit magical.I guess Kenny still likes playing with fire-:)

Element of the day (day 96)
#94) Pu- Plutonium-]radioactive: Actinide Series 
Discovered in 1940.
Found in minute quantities in uranium minerals and ores. Used as nuclear fuel and in nuclear weapons, as a power and heat source.

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